[[:|gEDA]] >> [[Documentation]] //Translations of this page are also available in the following languages:// [[documentation.ru|Русский]]. ====== gEDA Tool Suite documentation ====== These are the official project docs. They have been converted from LaTeX and HTML documents into Wiki pages so that the gEDA community may more easily maintain them. ===== Tutorials ===== * [[gEDA:gsch2pcb_tutorial|gschem to pcb tutorial]], by Bill Wilson ([[gsch2pcb tutorial releasenotes|release notes]]). * [[gEDA:gschem_warmup|gschem warmup]], by Bill Willson. * [[gEDA:transistor_guide|gschem Symbol and PCB Element Transistor Guide]], by Bill Willson. * [[http://www.delorie.com/pcb/docs/gs/gs.html|PCB tutorial]], by DJ Delorie. * [[gEDA:ngspice and gschem]] * [[tragesym_tutorial|tragesym tutorial]] on how to create symbols with the tragesym script. * [[gnetlist scheme tutorial|Scripting a gnetlist backend in scheme]] by John Doty. * [[geda:hierarchy|Using hierarchy in schematics]] * [[geda:xorn_getting_started|Getting started with Xorn]] ===== Talks ===== Various talks and presentations on gEDA provide a good top-level overview of the project for those who are interested: [[http://www.eevblog.com/2010/10/27/eevblog-121-geda-interview-with-dj-delorie/|gEDA session]] DJ Delorie did at Renesas DevCon 2010 (the slides for it are [[http://www.delorie.com/electronics/rulz/|here]] under “Presentations and Other Info”) [[http://ignite.oreilly.com/2009/02/ignite-boston-5-wrap-up-videos.html|Ignite 5 video]] given by Stuart Brorson about “Hardware design and the gEDA Project” ===== General ===== These are informal FAQs, HOWTOs, and tips/tricks to help you with the practical details of using the gEDA Suite. If you are having a problem, browse these pages first. * [[ gEDA:Glossary ]] : Glossary of terms that are specific to the gEDA Suite. * [[ gEDA:Usage ]] : Questions about how to do electronic design using the gEDA toolset -- information which applies to several or all tools in the gEDA Suite. * [[ gEDA:FAQ-gschem ]] : Questions about installing, configuring, and using gschem. Also, questions about creating and using gschem symbols. * [[ gEDA:FAQ-attribs ]] : Attribute management. * [[ gEDA:FAQ-gnetlist ]] : Questions about installing, configuring, and using gnetlist. It deals with BOMs, DRCs, and all that. * [[ gEDA:FAQ-simulation ]] : Questions about simulating your design using gEDA tools. * [[ gEDA:FAQ-gsch2pcb ]] : How to take your design to layout using PCB. * [[ gEDA:PCB-quick reference ]] : PCB Quick Reference Sheet. * [[ gEDA:PCB footprints ]] : How to create, use and share footprints. * [[ gEDA:PCB tips ]] : Tips and tricks for using PCB. * [[ gEDA:Guile scripting ]] : Guile functions & variables provided by the gEDA tools. * [[ gEDA:symbols |Symbol guide]] : Symbols and attributes explained * [[gaf]] * [[gaf utility]] * [[HSE Howto]] * [[PCB Footprint Naming Conventions]] * [[Spice polys]] ===== gschem - Schematic Capture ===== * **[[gEDA:gschem_ug|gschem User's Guide]]** * [[geda:gschem_symbol_creation|Symbol Creation Guide]] * [[geda:gschem_symbol_generators|Symbol generators for gschem]] ===== gnetlist - Netlister ===== * **[[gEDA:gnetlist_ug|gnetlist User's Guide]]** * [[gEDA:gnetlist Scheme primitives]] * [[gEDA:csygas|Circuit Simulation using gEDA and SPICE - HOWTO]] * [[gEDA:na_howto|net= attribute mini-HOWTO]] * [[gEDA:ssan|Switcap Symbols and Netlister]] * [[gEDA:sn_readme|Switcap netlister README]] * [[gEDA:fbabgapp|Forward/Backward Annotation Between gEDA and Pads PowerPCB]] * [[gEDA:grcsan|gEDA RF Cascade Symbols and Netlister]] * [[gEDA:bom_readme|Bill of Material netlister README]] * [[gEDA:verilog_netlister_readme|Verilog netlister README]] * [[gEDA:vhdl_netlister_readme|VHDL netlister README]] * [[gEDA:vams_netlister_readme|VAMS netlister README]] * [[gEDA:systemc_netlister_readme|SystemC netlister README]] * [[gEDA:eagle_pcb_netlister_readme|Eagle PCB netlister README]] ===== gsymcheck - Symbol Checker ===== * [[gEDA:gsymcheck_mp|gsymcheck man-page]] ===== utils - gEDA Utilities ===== * [[gEDA:gsch2pcb_readme|gsch2pcb (gschem to PCB) README]] * [[gEDA:gsch2pcb_tutorial|gsch2pcb tutorial]] * [[gEDA:tragesym_readme|tragesym (symbol generator) README]] * [[gEDA:tragesym_tutorial|tragesym Tutorial]] * [[gEDA:olib_readme|olib (OrCAD (TM) converter) README]] * [[gEDA:grenum_mp|grenum man-page]] -- note * [[gEDA:gattrib_readme|gattrib README]] -- note ===== Examples ===== * [[gEDA:example_hsm|Hierarchical SPICE model]] -- note * [[gEDA:example_usbjtag|Example USB-based JTAG interface]] -- note ===== Attribute/File Format Details ===== * [[gEDA:master_attributes_list|Master Attributes List]] * [[gEDA:file_format_spec|sym/sch File Format Specification]] ====== SPICE ====== * [[http://www.gnucap.org/papers/al-davis-dissertation.pdf|Implicit Mixed-Mode Simulation of VLSI Circuits]] by Albert Tatum Davis (1991)\\ Please report if this URL goes dead. * [[gEDA:csygas|Circuit Simulation using gEDA and SPICE - HOWTO]] by Stuart Brorson (5 January 2006). \\ Original versions of the above document are available at: * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20151027102210/http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/SPICE/intro.html|Circuit Simulation using gEDA and SPICE - HOWTO]] (HTML version) by Stuart Brorson (20 December 2004).\\ This URL is a link to an archived version. * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20150924193105/http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/HOWTO/gEDA_Spice_HOWTO-20050103.pdf|Circuit Simulation using gEDA and SPICE - HOWTO]] (PDF version) by Stuart Brorson (5 January 2005).\\ This URL is a link to an archived version. * [[http://www.myken.nl/en/tut/ngspice_with_gEDA_cheat_sheet|gEDA - ngspice cheat sheet including a mini how to use the XSPICE models]] ====== ngspice ====== * [[http://www.ngspice.org/|Ngspice home page]] * [[http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/docs/ngspice-manual.pdf|ngspice User Manual]] * [[gEDA:ngspice and gschem]] * [[gEDA:ngspice_mp|ngspice man-page]] -- note * [[gEDA:ngnutmeg_mp|ngnutmeg man-page]] -- note * [[gEDA:ngsconvert_mp|ngsconvert man-page]] -- note ====== gnucap ====== * [[http://www.gnucap.org/|Gnucap home page]] * [[http://www.gnucap.org/gnucap-man.pdf|The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package Users manual]] -- January 21,2004 version * [[http://www.gnucap.org/papers/gnucap-model-compiler.pdf|The Gnucap Model Compiler]] ====== gSpiceUI ====== * [[http://users.tpg.com.au/micksw012/gspiceui.html|gSpiceUI home page]] ====== PCB ====== * [[http://pcb.geda-project.org/|PCB home page]] * The pcb FAQ: [[faq-pcb]] * The official [[http://pcb.geda-project.org/manual.html|manual of pcb]] * A very detailed [[http://wiki.geda-project.org/_media/geda:land_patterns_20070818.pdf|manual on footprint creation]] by Stephen Meier and Stuart Brorson. covers *.pcb file format. Remains compatible with current file formats. * The [[geda:pcb_mp|man-page of pcb]] * HOWTO: [[Add a ground plane to your layout]] * [[pcb:Footprint generators]] for pcb * [[pcb:plugins]] ====== gerbv ====== * [[http://gerbv.geda-project.org/|gerbv home page]] * [[geda:gerbv_mp|gerbv man-page]] * [[geda:gerbv_pnp_README|Searching for Parts and marking them on screen (in gerbv)]] ====== Icarus Verilog ====== * [[http://iverilog.icarus.com/|Icarus Verilog home page]] * [[Icarus|HOWTOs, READMEs, tutorials]] ====== Wcalc ====== * [[http://wcalc.sourceforge.net/|wcalc Home Page]] * [[geda:wcalc_README|Wcalc README]] * [[geda:wcalc_mp|Wcalc man-page]] * [[geda:wcalc_stdio_mp|stdio Wcalc man-page]] ====== mcalc ====== * [[http://mcalc.sourceforge.net/|Microstrip Analysis/Synthesis Calculator]] -- latest documentation from sourceforge * [[geda:mcalc_README|mcalc README]] ====== covered ====== * [[http://covered.sourceforge.net/|covered home page]] * [[http://covered.sourceforge.net/user/index.html|covered User Manual]] -- link to latest covered documentation on sourceforge * **covered Report Viewer** -- available in the Help menu of the GUI report utility * [[geda:covered__mp|covered man-page]] ====== Data plotting and viewing ====== * [[http://gtkwave.sourceforge.net/|GTKWave]] -- Digital waveform viewer which reads LXT, LXT2, VZT, FST, and GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD/EVCD files. * [[http://www.telltronics.org/software/gwave/| gwave]] -- analog waveform viewer * [[http://www.rvq.fr/linux/gaw.php|gaw]] -- analog waveform viewer, a rewrite of gwave * [[http://www.comefly.us/|KJWaves]] -- viewing, modifying, and simulating SPICE CIRCUIT files ====== Interaction with other EDA tools ====== * [[gEDA:Conversion utilities]] for importing other EDA tools' data.