//Translations of this page are also available in the following languages:// [[dokuvimki.ru|Русский]] ====== Using Vim to edit gEDA wiki pages ====== To easy edit gEDA wiki pages in Vim you may use **DokuVimKi**. You can install DokuVimKi as follows: - Download the latest version of DokuVimKi and copy all its files into appropriate directories in //''~/.vim''//: git clone git://github.com/chimeric/dokuvimki.git cd dokuvimki for i in doc plugin syntax; do cp "$i"/* ~/.vim/"$i"/; done - To use **'':h dokuvimki''** to open DokuVimKi help you can generate Vim help tags for it using **'':helptags ~/.vim/doc/''** in Vim. - You can optionally use another dokuwiki syntax file. I use one from [[http://github.com/nblock/vim-dokuwiki.git]]. - To install DokuVimKi you need to have **xmlrpclib** installed on your system. It has probably been already installed as part of python installation. You can check this using: locate xmlrpclib See https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:xmlrpc for more information on this. - You also need to install **dokuwikixmlrpc**. Download and install the latest version: git clone git://github.com/chimeric/dokuwikixmlrpc cd dokuwikixmlrpc sudo python setup.py install See the [[http://docs.python.org/install/index.html|Python documentation]] for more information about installing python modules. - Then to set up DokuVimKi for gEDA you need to add some strings into your //''~/.vimrc''// file: let g:DokuVimKi_USER = "your_wiki_login_name" let g:DokuVimKi_PASS = "YOUR_WIKI_PASSWORD" let g:DokuVimKi_URL = "http://wiki.geda-project.org/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php" " Optional settings. See ':DWhelp' for details. ""let g:DokuVimKi_INDEX_WINWIDTH = 30 ""let g:DokuVimKi_DEFAULT_SUM = "[xmlrpc dokuvimki edit]" - To invoke Vim with DokuVimKi features available you have to use: vim +DokuVimKi To quickly invoke this command you could add the following aliases into your //''~/.bashrc''// file: # Vim aliases for gEDA alias vimgeda="vim +DokuVimKi" alias gvimgeda="gvim +DokuVimKi" That's all. Type **''gvimgeda''**, wait a bit and enjoy the online Dokuwiki editing in Vim! ~~NOTOC~~