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“pcb” is software to help you draw (“lay out”) the wires for a custom “printed wire board” (“PCB”).
See installation.
“Out-of-the-box”, pcb supports 16 copper layers. It has been patched by some users to support more, however.
No. Lines on a layer with layer name outline
will be interpreted as physical edges of the board. Also see this note in the more comprehensive PCB tips
This is well beyond the scope of this FAQ. There are a few tips at
Generally, you start with a schematic, run gsch2pcb to generate the netlist. See FAQ-gsch2pcb. Then you might go through the gsch2pcb tutorial
Then you … Hey, did you know about the PCB manual, the PCB tips, and the PCB-quick reference?
See PCB footprints.
There are also some unofficial gEDA footprints at Open Circuits
The application is a fairly old project, with roots way back in the era of Atari home computers. Its name has always been “pcb”. The current developers have no intention to break that tradition.
gEDA PCB and opencircuitdesign PCB ?
Same thing, different generations.