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Guile scripting

gEDA/gaf uses Guile Scheme to provide Scheme scripting capabilities, and all of the features of Guile are available to use. The Guile Reference Manual is available as an Info manual (info guile on most systems), or on the Guile website.

A collection of modules is provided for accessing and modifying gEDA objects and pages, called the gEDA Scheme API. The gEDA Scheme Reference Manual is also available as an Info manual (info geda-scheme).


Reference documents

Scripting examples

Removing objects with specific properties

For instance, let's remove all objects which are circles or arcs with zero radius:

(use-modules (geda page))
; Checks if the OBJECT is a circle or an arc with zero radius
(define (zero-radius-object? object)
    (and (circle? object) (= (circle-radius object) 0))
    (and (arc?    object) (= (arc-radius    object) 0))))
(apply page-remove! (active-page)
         (page-contents (active-page))))
geda/guile_scripting.1441990577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/11 12:56 by vzh