Please e-mail me (ahvezda AT if you want your link/project added here.
See also: Projects created using gEDA
Open Collector -- The database for open hardware tools/designs
SDB's advanced SPICE netlister Homepage (now part of gEDA/gaf)
DJ Delorie's HobbyPlatform EDA Tools page
John Luciani's page on gEDA, gsch2pcb, PCB footprint creation and library
Spicelib, which provides thousands of Gnucap and NGSpice compatible component models
An article about gEDA (written by Stuart Brorson) was printed in Linux Journal
An article about gEDA (written by a few gEDA developers) was printed in Circuit Cellar
An interview with various people involved with gEDA in EEDesign/EETimes
The above interview got posted to Slashdot