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PCB Footprint Guides

Footprint basics

Manufacturer references for laying out footprints

Sharing PCB Footprints

PCB Footprint FAQ

Can I have two pads/pins with the same pin-number?

“Yes, totally. This is how you create oval shaped copper around pins, or funny shaped pads (e.g. square at one end and round at the other) by overlapping two or more pads.”

How do I make an oval shaped pad around a footprint pin?

Simply add a pad on top of your pin and give them the same pin-number. If the soldermask is kept off both pins, and they overlap, they should appear as one pin on your board.

How do I make a 2-sided pad?

“Odd as it sounds, this can be necessary for some edge connectors. … but how do you do it???”

Edge Connectors


geda/pcb_footprints.1436434637.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/09 05:37 by vzh