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Basic information about the Eagle PCB backend and gnet-eagle.scm The script uses the component's package, footprint, value, and (if no value) device attributes, as well as the netlist, to generate an Eagle script that will add and connect all components. It also introduces a "lib" attribute, which specifies the Eagle library where the footprint can be found...if a "lib" attribute is not set for a component, then the library defaults to "smd-ipc" (the default Eagle surface mount library). I am also including a simple shell script that I wrote which has saved me hours by extracting the relative locations of the parts from a gschem schematic, and generating an Eagle script to place the components in the same relative locations on the layout. By default all packages are piled on top of each other, and with a large design it takes a long time to sort out which cap bypasses which IC, etc.